Stanford introductory course on programming in R.
Communicating and Programming:
Lecture 1: Introduction to R.
Lecture 2: Communicating with R Markdown. Elements of programming in R.
Exploring data:
Lecture 3: Importing and transforming data.
Lecture 4: Visualizing data.
Lecture 5: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).
Modeling data:
Lecture 6: Data modeling and linear regression.
Lecture 7: Hypothesis testing and classification.
Lecture 8: Unsupervised techniques in R.
Disclaimer: these lecture slides are subject to change and can be updated any time. Please check regularly.
Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Exercise 4:
Exercise 5:
Exercise 6:
Exercise 7:
Exercise 8:
Then, run a tutorial with the following command:learnr::run_tutorial("data_to_R", package = "rexercises")
Tutorials might include bugs, or some unclear hints. Please, let me know if you encounter any mistakes in the tutorials so I can fix them.